Bottle gourd is a warm-season crop that flourishes in sunny, open locations.
Cultivating bottle gourd, a warm-season crop, requires open, sunny locations. Enhance its growth by top-dressing the plant with a blend of coco peat and well-rotted manure, coupled with essential watering. Facilitate a robust plant by consistently halting and pinching the climber throughout its growth. Mahaagrin seeds assure a bountiful harvest with natural pest resistance and a contamination-free planting experience.
For optimal germination, soak bottle gourd seeds in water overnight. Planting them one to two inches deep in groups of three, ensuring soil coverage. Maintain soil moisture with twice-daily water spraying. Successfully growing gourds, which mature throughout the warm season, involves planting in hills with two plants spaced 4 to 5 feet apart and rows 6 to 7 feet apart. Avoid planting seeds in cold, wet soil to prevent rot.