Technology is changing all the way so is marketing. The emergence and widespread use of the Internet and social media has led to the rise of digital marketing. From print media to digital media. Marketing always customer centric, the method of delivering product and services has changed but the strategies remained same.
Unlike Traditional Marketing, Digital Marketing does not need to go door to door convince, instead Google ads or Facebook Likes and Twitter Followers do the convince.
Digital marketing assumes importance because it can be used to market any product or service in any industry by creating online content that is valuable to the buyers’ needs
Bobit Thomas: Digital Marketing Expert from Kerala
Founder & CEO of successful web marketing agency, since 2002: Explains in the following videos how to manage various online platforms for businesss.
Independently trained more than a hundred of business owners and marketing managers on best Digital marketing practices in SEO, SEM and Content Marketing.
1. Youtube marketing tips Malayalam
YouTube is a video-driven social media platform, it has become a dominant way people stream video online. Currently YouTube has more than 1 billion users, and more than half of all views come from mobile devices. Through Youtube businesses have an opportunity to establish and groom their brand through interactive videos that can build followers. YouTube offers users to create their own channels they can use to develop and execute their marketing strategy.
The following video explains what are the things to be done when uploading a video in Youtube:
2. Online Advertising specialist – Malaayalam Tech Video
There are lot of platform to do ads among top is Google, socialmedia ads, Facebook ads , linkedin ads etc. how this advertisement are done, the flowing video explains the various adsvertiement in online platforms.
Possibilitis of online advertisement, how to do it, who will display these ads, how to manage these ads. how to get business from these ads, follow the video.
3. Best Digital Marketing Strategy for Travel and Tour Operator (Agency) Malayalam by Bobit Thomas
Digital marketing assumes importance because it can be used to market any product or service in any industry by creating online content that is valuable to the buyers’ needs. What are the technics and tools used for Travel agencies and Tour operators,
website – Niche specific, specialty focused responsive website, with genuine contents to be included in site.Youtube channel: videos. Social media Strategy etc. follow the video:
Best Digital Marketing Strategy for Travel and Tour Operator (Agency) Malayalam by Bobit Thomas
4. Digital Marketing Strategy for Restaurants
Every Restaurant must have to add their busines in local directories like Google, bing and list in other business directores, Manage Social media platforms includes Facebook, instagram. Create videos in about their specific servicess or product in youtube channel Video. Manage a good website that displays their services neatly. Register ther site in Varius OTAs (Online travel agencies) lke, Trip Adviser, Boking.dom etc, follow the video explain what and how: Digital Marketing Strategy for Restaurants:
5. Linked in Best way of Marketing for Entrepreneurs and Marketing Professionals
LinkedIn is the most professional of the social media networking websites. It is a great tool for making business to business connections. Its wide use in the professional world, LinkedIn should be a big part of any marketing strategy. Follow the video to learn how to use LinkedIn to your advantage. Linked in Best way of Marketing for Entrepreneurs and Marketing Professionals