In recent years, Dragon Fruit has been a growing market in India with many farmers coming forward for this new crop. This fruit is grown commercially in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Israel, and Vietnam but is now slowly gaining attention in India.
The main advantage is once dragon fruit plant requires very little attention. The plant needs less water and less fertilizer and care so the cost can be greatly reduced. For this plant tropical climate conditon is best, it survives in poor soil conditions and temperature variations.. This plant belongs to the cactus family. It grows well in fertile soils exposed to sunlight. It can be grown as a seed or a plant. You can learn more about planting and caring by Ms. Anit Thomas’ through Live Kerala’s YouTube videos.
We can cultivate either seedling or the seeds scattered throughout its flesh can be sprouted easily and grown easly. In the growing state it require supporting legs to this plant, installing concrete pillars should be more effective. Then one old tyre should be placed by crossing the iron bar on top of each pillar. The vines that have grown to the top of the pole should grow through the tire and spread the plant in such a way that it hangs down. Three or four seedlings can be planted on each pole
Fertilizers for Dragon fruit is the organic fertilizers and organic manure that are the same used for all other fruiting plants, This plant require less water compared to other fruiting plants. frequent irrigation is required in hot weather conditions. drip irrigation can be applied for effective water usage.
Plants can begin flowering within one year. The growing time is the hot months of summer, it grows rapidly. Blooms will occur from July to October. After the flowering occurs, fruit will begin to form. Dragon fruit become ready for harvesting in one month after flowering. maturing of the fruit we can identify the colour change in the fruit.