Hair oils are to be applied in a specific manner and it is also equally important to know what you should not be doing when you are applying the Veni herbal oil. Whenever you decide to apply oil to your hair you must ensure that the right steps are followed and in this write-up, we have discussed the Dont’s that have to be followed while applying hair oil Veni herbal Hair oil.
- Make sure to not overheat the oil
Most of the people heat the hair oil before applying but, heating the oil to the right temperature is very important else, overheating of oil can actually damage the roots of the hair when you apply it. You must also make sure to use the right utensil to heat the oil because some of the ingredients in the oil might end up reacting with the metal and can again lead to other issues.

- Try not to rub the oil
You must always remember to massage the oil gently on the scalp instead of rubbing it vigorously on your head because massaging gently would help you to relax whereas rubbing excess oil vigorously can actually end up destroying the roots of the hair to a greater extent. It is always recommended to use your fingertips and massage the scalp gently because this would definitely help in the growth of hair.
- Do not change the brands frequently
If you are used to Veni herbal oil you must make sure to stick the same oil forever because changing the oil brands frequently can again damage the hair cells to a greater extent. Some of the brands would also have chemicals in them and this can become problematic after a certain period of time.
- Do not leave the hair dry for a longer duration
You must make sure that the hair is nurtured well because if you leave it to become dry then hair loss would be more. This can become quite a complex issue to be dealt with because dry scalp would develop dandruff. This can lead itchy scalp and also too much of irritation can cause severe skin-related issues and frequent visit to the dermatologists would become pretty common.
Well, these are some of the things that you must make sure not to do when you are applying hair oil. By doing these things you would be able to eliminate a lot of hair related problems.