Home Gardening – Dahlia Flower
Maintaining a garden in our home is very important. Gardening is something that needs to be done with careful preparation. Some of the gardens may be classified as Garden of ornamental flowers and some as Vegetables Garden.
Let us know about Flowers Garden. The importance of flowers is found everywhere. They can feed insects, birds, animals and humans. Outside pollination can help to regenerate a plant. If there are no flowers the world itself will become dim. Gardening protects the environment. Gardening comprises a method which you have to adopt before planting. First ensure that the soil is suitable for the garden and the availability of sunlight. You can plan a garden with good design. You have to decide which flowers to plant. Get acquainted with the planting methods for a good garden.
The methods adopted for gardening of two flowering plants are mentioned below: –
Dahlia Flower planting and caring
Dahlia is a plant belonging to the plant family Asteraceae. Dahlia flowers of various colours will add to the beauty of the house. The plant is named in honor of Anders Dahl a leading Swedish botanist. The origin of Dalia is Mexico, Central America and Colombia. Since the plant produces food at the roots, it is grown for edible purposes also in some countries.
The dahlia plant can be planted in three ways. We can grow dahlia by sowing the seeds, planting the tuber at the base of the plant, and cutting off the stalk. Dahlia can be planted in the pot and in the ground. It grows stronger and blooms better when planted in the ground. However, those who do not have land and live in flats can grow plant in pots.
Fill the pots with equal quantities of soil, sand, cow dung and coconut fibre. Either sow seeds or put tubers or stems in the pots. It is better to plant in the ground when there is enough sunlight. Dahlia flowers bloom from June to December. When the root begins, apply bioslurry and goat manure every two weeks.
Manure should be applied keeping slight distance from the stalk. In about eight weeks, the dahlia begins blooming. Watering is essential for the dahlia plant. Water the dahlia plants every day when there is no rain. If left untreated, the dahlia plant will wither.
The plants should be supported before the flowering season. If proper support is not given the dahlia plant will collapse and become extinct. When the flowering is over, cut off the stems for the new sprouts to come up and to bloom.
Dahlia blooms well until December. When the dahlia plant has withered after its flowering, the tuber can be stored. Take the sand in a bowl and place the tuber of dahlia in the shade and use it next year. If taken care of, very beautiful dahlia flowers will bloom in everyone’s backyard.