When you are using the computer, you must know the hardware that is embedded inside. Even when there is any problem that you encounter with the computer, you would be to understand the issue. The hardware components are the physical components you find inside the computer, and these are required for the computer to function. All the hardware is connected through the circuit board that is on the desktop or laptop. It connects the motherboard, CPU, ventilation fans, power supply, graphic card, and the list goes on.
The design part of the components in desktop and laptop is totally different due to the size. However, you find these core components in both the desktop and laptop systems. When there is no hardware inside the system, it is impossible to run the software in the system. The software is the virtual program, unlike the hardware components. The computer needs both hardware and software to run. The speed at which the system performs depends on the hardware you are using in the system. You can find superior quality computer hardware in Perumbavoor and Kochi at Lia Georson.
Few of the hardware components that you find in the system include:
The motherboard is the mother of every PC and what makes the whole PC work optimally. It is the place where the CPU is stored and is a hub through which the hardware is connected and runs. The brain of the computer would allocate the required power whenever required. This will communicate and coordinate with the other components, thus making it the must-have hardware. When you are planning to replace the old or damaged motherboard with the new one, you check the ports that the motherboard holds. You need to check the USB ports and the upgrade and the kind of display ports that are used, such as HDMI, DVI, and RGB. The ports are what help you learn the hardware that is compatible for you to use for the system, such as the type of graphic card you have to use, and so on. Though the motherboard is a single circuitry board, it houses all the other small pieces of hardware components inside the CPU.
CPU (Central processing unit)
The central processing unit would process the information from the programs that are run on the system. The speed at which the information is processed would be measured in terms of the GHz. The process that has high ratings of GHz would perform briskly over the processor of the same brand. You must check the ratings before you purchase the CPU from the Hardware solution provider.
The Random Access Memory and is the hardware that you can find in the form of slots on the motherboard. The RAM functionality is just to store the information that is created by the programs run on the system. This makes the data to be available to the user briskly. If the tasks needed to have access to the random memory, it would render the images from the graphic cards, show the videos that are edited, and you can open multiple applications at a time. The RAM you would need would depend totally on the number of programs you want to run on the system. If you want to use the system for gaming, then it is best for you to buy the RAM that is of 8GB. This allows you to play games and, at the same time, run the other programs on the system without taking a toll on the speed if you are using the system for videos or graphic designing, better to use the RAM of 16 GB. Get the best computer services and maintenance in Kochi and Perumbavoor at Lia Georson.
Hard drive
It is the place where the data is stored. It is responsible for storing permanent as well as temporary information. The data can be saved in different forms. You can store anything on the system such as photos, applications, files, and so on. When you save them on the drive, it would be safe. The storage devices are categorized into different types. One is the traditional hard disk drive, and the other one is the solid-state drives. The working of the hard disk drive would be based on the writing of the binary data to the magnetic disk known as platters that would rotate at a brisk speed, whereas the solid-state drive would store the data with the help of the memory chips.
Graphics processing unit (GPU)
If you are using the data to design 3D data, then you would need GPU to process huge chunks of graphical information. You can find at least one GPU in the computer graphics card. The graphic card is connected to the motherboard through the expansion slot to render graphics. You can also upgrade the graphics card to improve the performance of the PC.
Power supply unit
The PSU would get the power from the outlet and would convert this power into the usable power, which can be consumed by the rest of the hardware components in the system. You may need a lot of power to run complicated systems.
Contact Us:
Lia Georson PVT LTD
37/1264, Kaloor – Kadavanthara Rd, Kadavanthara, Elamkulam, Kochi, Kerala 682017, India
+91 0484 4303600
17/233, Kemi Estate, Opp. Head Post Office, Perumbavoor-683542, Ernakulam, Kerala, India
+91 484 2595999