Cambly is a good option to learn English. It provides its users with a free trial, plus a relaxed, bias-free and fun learning environment.
In Cambly you can meet new tutors daily daily. It is an advantage to have different tutor to practice English. It gives you new ideas daily. The tutors are experienced and very friendly, so you cab easly learn new things pleasantly without any trouble. You can get the example here in the video below.
Select your favourite tutor and that’s it, you can start practising your English speaking skills anytime and anywhere. What the video to get a good iead how to use Cambly.
Here are ten some tips for improving your spoken English
Speak: Speak as often as possible, the only way you can get better is to actually do it. The more you practice the better and more confident
Listen: Listen to news and songs in English to understand to the pronunciation of words. The more you listen, the more you learn!
Read: Read the newspaper or a magazine out to yourself.
Technology: A smartphone can be a powerful tool for learning languages. Record yourself speaking then listen back to you, how your English sounds to other people.
Learn a new word daily: Find a word you would like to work on and use practice it in different sentences.
Watch films: Watch films in English and pay attention to new words their usage and pronunciation.
Make friends: Find friends with English speakers or others learning to speak English and compare notes. Talk about things that you have learnt and exchange ideas.
Do interesting activities: in English like a cooking course in English or Anything you enjoy.
Have a debate: Debate with friends that the topics interest you
Use a dictionary: Online dictionaries often have audio examples so you can check your pronunciation.
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