Buy Best 20 Vegetable Seeds Kerala Online
‘As you sow, so you will reap’ and hence at bring you delight to your kitchen garden with flowers and vegetables. You can buy online the best of vegetable seeds, flower seeds and herb seeds at an affordable price. The seeds from are high yielding and have resistance to pests and disease, which makes them ideal for both the beginner gardeners and a professionals. offers you extensively huge varieties of vegetable seeds online. You can make pure and non-toxic vegetables at home. Using organic vegetables from your garden helps you relish and savor your favorite vegetables. We promote organic farming, self grown vegetables in your garden is overwhelming since it retains almost all the nutrients and is chemical free. We help you cultivate organic farming easily at home in your terrace or garden by selling seeds online.
We deliver detailed growing instruction and sowing and growing information. Treatments and guidelines about nursing, watering, pest control etc. also we will publish through youtube videos, that are available from our channel:
1. Amara – Lablab Bean
Amara is a traditional food plant easly grown in India and commonly used as vegetable. It is a fast growing plant can cultivate in pots or growbags, the plant grows in full sun and well drained soil and gives yield for two years. Buy Lallab bean (Amara) online:
2. Amaranthus Pink Beauty (Sundari Cheera)
Amaranthus can be cultivated throughout the year, It has green leaves and the stalk pink on the stems, It does’nt affect by any of the common diseases that shown in spinach. Since it grows in the pots and in the rainy season, it can be cultivated for 365 days. The seeds are sown within 3-4 days. The first crop is harvested after 30 days. To buy Sundari Cheera online:
3. Ash Gourd
Ash gourd is a popular vegetabe cultivated throughout Kerala. Fruits are used maily for culinary purpose, It has many mecinal properties and also used in Ayuvedic for different ailments. As it contain low calories, it is good for diabetic patients.January-March and September-December are the ideal seasons for growing ash gourd, sawing can be started after summer rain in may-june . Buy AshGourd online:
4. Bajji Chilli
Bajji Chilli seed is a seed of Banana Pepper- a long-sized chilli that belongs to the capsicum family. They are commonly used for salads, frying and freezing. Bajji chilli can be grown in both grow bags and pots. May-June, September-October months are ideal for cultivation. Prepare potting mixture, sown seeds and water them moderately. Harvesting can be done after three months. To buy Baji Chilli:
5. Pole beans
Beans are popular with Malayalees today, but bean farming is not very popular in Kerala. Today, beans can be grown in almost any climate and soil. All beans prefer a sunny spot in well-drained soil that was improved with compost before sowing. It is better to plant Pole beans directly to the garden. Full sun situations are preferable Pole beans need a support structure at least 6 feet high and the vines can grow 5 to 10 feet long. Beans need a little help climbing their support structure. Fertilizer should be added to the soil before planting pole beans. Buy pole Beans:
6. Bitter gourd
Bitter gourd is one of the most popular vegetables in Kerala. It is high nutriti mainly a warm season is better for bitter gourd. Well drained soil with a pH ranging 5 to7 is better, enrich the soil with organic matter and compost and dried manure. seeds soak in water germinate soon. Buy BitterGourd:
7. Bottle gourd (Churakka)
Bottle gourd can be successfully grown during January-March and Sept-December. Sowing can also be started after the receipt of the first few showers during May-June. The soil is dug into small holes, dried dung powder, organic composting, bone meal and neem cake as basal seeds. When the plants are growing, apply the insecticides at intervals to avoid the disturbance of pheasants and worms. To buy Bottle Gourd (Churakka):
8. Brinjal Green Long
Brinjal is one of the most common and popular vegetable crop grown throught the country. It can be cultivated in different agro climatic regions and can be grown through the year. The brinjal plants can be grown in almost all types of soil varying from light sandy to heavy clay. December-January and May-June are the best season sowing. Before sowing enrich soil with organic manuar and compost. Treat the brinjal seed in pseudomonas. After 30 days of germination the plant is transplanted to soil bed with 60cm distance or growbag. Timely irrigation is essential. The brinjal fruits are harvested when the fruit grown in full size. Buy Brinjal Green Long:
9. Cabbage
Cabbage is a winter crop, It is commonly cultivated in cool moist climate, Now a days it will cultivate in kerala all over. It is grown in varied types of soils ranging from sandy loam to clay. It requires a pH ranging from 5.5 to 6.5 for higher production. sow the seeds in trays of pots, after 40 days of growth seedlings can transplant to prepared soil. Buy Cabbage seed online:
10. Capsicum Green
Capsicum, also known as sweet pepper, is one of the popular vegetables grown throughout India.
Capsicum is a cool season crop, but it can be grown round the year using protected structures where temperature and relative humidity (RH) can be manipulated. This crop requires day temperature of 25-300C and night temperature of 18-200C with relative humidity of 50-60%. If temperature exceeds 350C or falls below 120C, fruit setting is affected.
Good quality seeds are required for producing better seedlings. The seedlings are raised in pro-trays of 98 cells or cavities. buy Capsicum seed.
11. Carrot
Carrot is a cool season crop, But nowadays it is cultivated in Kerala largely in the high range areas. With a little care we can cultivate carrots in our backyard and terrace, August to January is the best season for carrot. we can do it in the grow bags and pots or backyard, the main things to be noted, is the soil must be deep loose loamy, pH ranging from 6 to 7 , avoid heavy sunlight, maintain the temparature below 20 degree. Around 100 days harvest can be done. Buy carrot seeds:
12 Amaranthus (Cheera Green)
Amaranthus is the most popular leafy vegetable of Kerala. It is good source of iron, calcium and vitamin It can be cultivate throughout the year. During the period of heavy rain planting green Amaranthus is the best. it can be done wide range of soil conditions, sandy soil with slight acidity is best suited. With a little effort we can harvest within 30 days. It can be done in Pots and fields as well. Grow non-toxic and nutrient amaranthus at home, to buy :
13. Cherry Tomato
Cherry Tomato is an ornamental plant and same time vegetable also, they are small, round, cherry-sized fruits of the family, it’s much sweeter than large tomatoes, mainly used in culinary purposes. Summer months are the best season to cultivate, but too hot is not good, temperature is below 30 degree is best. It’s seeds are small, better to sow the seeds, then the transplant it to the field or pot. to buy:
14. Chilli Bullet
Chilli Bullet is a medium-sized, cone-shaped chilli with medium-thick flesh, it has very high pungency. Chilli bullet can be used as a substitute for normal chilly mainly in culinary purposes, it is very high pungency. Chilli Bullet grow in all climate, Planting and caring are same as ordinary chilly. we can sow direcly or sow in pot or bag after germination and reaches 3-4 leaves then transplat it to the grow bag or courtiyard, make sure the soil fertile with oraganic and compost and also maintain the pHlevel. it require normal sunlight and water, also pest control needed in each level of growth. We can harvest the chilly within 50days. to buy:
15. Clove bean
Clove bean is a crop grown throughout the year, so it is called ‘Nithya Vazhuthana’ in Malayalam. It is a climbing type plant with small bunches of fruits. Tender fruits are used for cooking. It is an all season crop which does not require specific method for cultivation. Flowering start after 2 months, the yield get for a along time. It can be cultivate in grow bags and courtyard, it does’nt require greate care. to buy:
16. Cowpea Red
Cowpea can be grown throughout the year under Kerala climet. In Kerala different varities of coupea available, green and brown and bush type and vine type etc. all type have same nurturing care., cowpea cultivate as intercrop in tapioca and coconut gardens in kerala. also as crop after rice follows during march april month. For household use it can be cultivated in growbags and kitchen garden, it is very easy to cultivate with little effort. with a little effort we can reap as much as pea required in one home. Ensure the Seeds used in Cowpea farming for sowing must be of genuine source. to buy:
17. Gwar (Kothamara)
Gwar (Kothamara) cultivatedin Kerala rarely, but it is available cheaply in kerala that is from other states. It is very easy to cultivate. Seeds sown in a seeding tray or grow bag will germinate very quickly. By 3-4 days, the seeds begin to germinate and are mildly moistened. 2-week-old seedlings are transplanted into prepared Grow bags. Select healthy seedlings when planting. These will give good yields in grow bags. Grow bags, fill the grow bags with rich in organic contents. The months of February-March and June-July are best suited for cultivation. The beans will flower in about 45 days from seed germination. The nuts ripen in 10-15 days after flowering. No significant disease and pest infestations were observed in plants. to buy:
18. Kanthari Chilli Green
Kanthari mulaku is a perennial crop in Kerala. It can be cultivated from seeds extracted from the fruits. Both Kanthari Chilli and Kanthari Chilli white are same cultivation process. Buy the seed from reliable source. to buy:
19. Ladies finger
Ladies finger plants are cultivated in all over India which can tolerate severe climatic conditions. There is no need to study malayalees how to grow ladies finger at home, It is easy to cultivate, can be done in courtyard, growbag and farm. It is propagated from seeds. Ladies finger is grown by sowing seeds, Production depends on water, fertilizers and care, within 2 months we reap ladies finger. to buy:
20. Tomato
Tomatoes are used in many different ways by malayalees, It is fruit and same time a vegetable, Tomato can be grown on a wide range of soils from sandy to heavy clay. However, well-drained, sandy or red loam soils rich in organic matter with a pH range of 6.0-7.0 are considered as ideal. Tomato is a warm season crop. The best fruit colour and quality is obtained at a temperature range of 21-24°C. It is cultivated by sowing seeds, we can do it in grow bags and kitchen garden with little effort. to buy:
For high yielding and good immunity powered seeds at very low cost is available at