Buy Flower Seeds Online at Best Prices and different types that suits the Indian climate, Start planting your garden.
Flowering seeds that are blooming plants categorized as seasonal, annual, and perennial. The colored blooming always have a power to feel happy. They delight for long time. Flowers promote wellness for a variety of reasons. Not only for their splash of color, there are also an incredible amount of benefits to keeping plants in your home. Release the stress and anxiety from everyday life.
1. African Marigolds Seeds
African marigolds bloom from early summer, they are taller and more tolerant of hot, grow in dry conditions. African Marigold with its large blooms brighen the garden and largest bllom of the marigold family. This anual flower easily grown from the seed, it can be cultivated in almost all soils.
2. Aster Flower Seeds
Aster is a genus of perennial flowering plants in the family Asteraceae, typically having purple or pink rayed flowers.. With their beauty and lush texture, asters have long been considered an enchanted flower. Aster is easy to grow it’s best season ins after heavy rain and summer.
3. Balsam Flower Seeds
Balsam Flower is a lowering annual common in summer to partial shade. It is easy to grow and Cheaply available at nurseries and garden centers. You can grow balsam in your garden.
4. Celosia Flower Seeds
Celosia is a Bright colors in a formula mix of Magenta, Neon Rose, Yellow, and it is Fast growing. Small genus of edible and ornamental plants in the amaranth family. The plant is an annual. Seed production in these species can be very high. best after heavy rain, summer is the best to grow.
5. Celosia Plumosa Flower Seeds
Celosia plumosa flowers has bright flowers add charm to every garden, showy colorful flowers. you can also grow it as a houseplant, indoor and outdoor. It is is easy to grow. same time time it is a annual and perennial. to buy:
6. Cosmos Flower Seeds
Cosmos are easy to start from seed, and will often self-sow. Plants are easy to grow and maintain. Cosmos will grow in hot sun and poor soil. Flowers attract birds, bees, and butter to the gardens.To buy cosmos seeds:
7. Dahlia Flower Seed
Dahlia belongs to family Asteraceae genus. There are different varieties of Dahlias that grow in a wide range of colours and forms. The plant is easy to grow, and every can raise beautiful Dahlias. Make your garden beautiful with dahlia flowers.
8. Dianthus Flower Seeds
The dianthus flower have a sweet and exotic odour, which provides gardens with unique flair and freshness. They are perfect cut flowers and decorate living rooms very tastefully. It will also bring you joy, follow the right care instruction. to buy Dianthus flower seeds:
9. French Marigold Flower Seeds
French marigold is exhibits very beautiful flowers that decorate your garden in summer> It can be planted in garden and pots, with a little care can enhance the blooming.
10. Gerbera Flower seed
Gerbera Daisy flower, It is bright and cheerful like daisy flowers. Gerbera daisy plants can be grown from seed, seedlings or division. Seed is the cheapest method. To buy Gerbera flower seeds:
11. Gomphrena Flower Seeds
Gomphrena Flower is a beautiful & long lasting annual flower.
It is Compact and colorful, produces globular flowerheads that brighten the garden and are great for fresh-cut and dried floral arrangements. Excellent choice for dry, sunny locations.
12. Impatiens Flower Seeds
Impatiens Flower easy-to-grow, in shade garden staples bloom in a wide variety of colors. The grow well in moist but draily soil and partial to deep shade. Want to grow beautiful impatiens in your garden,
13. Ornamental Chilli Flower Seeds
Ornamental Chilli are bushy, glossy green foliage and colorful fruit that stand in upright clusters at the end of the stems combine to create an outstanding ornamental plant. The fruit are of red, purple, yellow, orange, black or white colours, and the chilli change colors as they ripen. Use them as bedding plants in the garden or plant them in pots, enjoy it. to buy Ornamental Chilli seeds:
14. Pansy Flower Seeds
Pansies have heart shape, overlapping petals and one of the widest ranges of bright, pretty colors and patterns.
It is a hybrid plant cultivated as a garden flower . A cool-climate is best, It will grown in spring also. Depending on the climate it can be planted as either an annual or a perennial. The best time is to plant Pansies is before spring or eng of spring. to buy Pansies seeds:
15. Petunia Flower Seeds
Petunia Flower are one of the most popular flowers, they are very large flowers and are best grown in containers or hanging baskets. Petunias are more susceptible to rain damage, they will grow in a shaded location, a fuller and more abundant bloom is produced in full sun.
16. Portulaca Flower Seeds
Portulaca flowers beautiful low growing ground cover type plant. Portulaca flowers grwo in many kinds of soil but prefer sandy soil, well-drained soil and full sunlight is best. These plants are excellent for high heat and tolerate summer. They will seed and spread themselves very well in summer. To plant Portulaca buy from reliable source:
17. Sunflower Seeds
Sunflowers are of perfect flowers they are the symbol of faith and loyalty. They follow the movement of the sun from east to west, They have large flower head, the stem of the flower can grow up to 3 metres tall, that can be 30 cm wide. Sunflowers need full sun. Sunflower plants are cultivated in farms for their seeds. To buy
18. Sweet William Flower seeds
Sweet William Flowers are colorfuland scented these species trace back to the Greek and Roman eras. The flowers are perennials as well as biennials. Sweet Williams belongs to the family of carnations. They are clusters of small flowers, fragrant with a spicy scent, it’s an edible flower and very easly growing. They are widely used as a garnish for various salads, cakes, desserts, and dishes. to buy Sweet William Flower seeds:
19. Verbena Flower Seeds
The verbena are good looking flowers and fragrant, theyare around 250 semi-woody species with dense patches of flowers sitting on top. The flower is at the top of the stem in very dense spikes each with five petals.The simple verbena leaf sometimes shows densely thick. Usually growing in clumps 6″ to 10″ inches in height makes them ideal hanging basket plants. For planting, sow the two seeds each in one pot, moist the soil, it will take about one month to germinate.
20. Vinca Flower Seeds
Vinca flowers are excellent selection if you have little time to spend in garden. It has instant color wherever it grows. The round, flat blooms appear on top. They grow in any soil type as long as it is fast draining and not overly fertile.