Spices have an important role in Indian food. Pepper “the king of spices”, produced widely in our country. There are two types of pepper. One is vine pepper and the other one is bush pepper. vine pepper is one which normally needs any living or non-living supports for growing. Bush pepper can be produced from a healthy vine pepper plant and it does not require any support. Bush pepper farming is ideal for those who haven’t enough land for cultivation .bush pepper starts flowering in the same year of planting and will give yield throughout the year .we can harvest the yield without the help of laborers because it grows like bush
.Method of farming
The rooted lateral branches from a high yield mother plant are used for planting bush pepper or we can use cuttings from another matured bush pepper. A well prepared potting mix is essential for the growth of bush pepper. Take soil, sand, cow dung powder and coco peat in the ratio of 2:1:1:1.when propagating plants using stem cutting system, the use of rooting hormone is essential. Use of rooting hormones will help in fastest root development .we can use coconut shell charcoal as a rooting hormone for bush pepper.
After planting keep the plant in a shade for 60 days and water daily. Roots will develop in 60 days. After about 4 months it starts flowering then we can transplant the bush pepper. At that time use a large pot and replant it along with soil. Use soil and fertilizers in the same ratio we have taken for the potting mix. After replanting keep it in shade for 1 week. According to the plant growth apply organic fertilizer monthly and replant them to large pot. It is better to spray pseudomonas for plant growth.