“Bakku,” a short film, is an exquisite portrayal of true love in a girl’s life. The film delves into the mental pressures a young woman experiences when attempting to express her feelings of love and emotions. Bakku, a beautiful girl is the central character of this short film. Despite the intricacies of her journey, she maintains unwavering strength and courage as she passionately conveys her affections to her dear friend. The film moves into the struggles she faced and, ultimately, depicts how she strongly expressed her feelings.
Cast: Amina Nijam, Gabri Jose, Vijayakrishnan A B, Rosna Joshy, and Pranav Yesudas.
Production: Johny Pictures
Directed by: Anandhu Hari
Written: Vishnu Vijayakrishnan
Cinematographer: Vishnu Prasad
Editor: Abin Devassy
Music: Shibin P Reji , Abin Shaji
Art: Akhil Roy
DI: Dawn B Johns
Production Controller: Pranav Yesudas
Dubbing Artist: Amala Rose Kurian
Associate Director: Vishnu Viswanathan
Associate Cinematographer: Ajith Vishnu
Sound Designer: Nithin A J
Illustrations and Calligraphy: Alex Abraham
Title Animation: Rahul K R
DI Conformist: Sreeraj R
Subtitles: Devika Prasad
Assistant Director: Manu Joseph
Assistant Cinematographers: Jimmy Davis, Nino Cleetus
Promo Cuts: Jithin Hafiz
Bakku: A Short Film
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