Veda Ayurgram, under Veda Group, is one of Kerala’s best holistic hospitals.We provide physical, mental & spiritual healing through Ayurveda, Yoga, Guided meditation & Modern psychological techniques. All physical illnesses can have a mental back ground. When we detoxify & strengthen body with Ayurveda, panchakarma & yoga the Mental toxins are eliminated through meditation & modern psychological techniques. We ensure you a highly personalized care. More time is spent on each patient, for understanding psychological and physiological conditions. Guided with suitable yoga & meditation techniques we reach the innermost cause of the disease. ? We create a highly positive physical and psychological atmosphere to maximize your own healing mechanism through a perfect blend of Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, and Modern Psychological interventions . We can also ensure customised medicines prepared in Veda's own factory. With our holistic treatment protocol we can deliver best ever results for structural diseases like osteo arthritis of knee and other joints, disc prolapse , degeneration of vertebrae etc. Autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriasis , and psychological disorders like insomnia, anxiety, stress, depression are also effectively managed using this protocol.