Thrissur, Kerala, India
Redlands Ashlyn Motors PLC We aspire to be one among the best in the global farm machinery sector, driven by a combination of innovation, quality, and competitive pricing, to produce world-class products at affordable prices. By striving to maintain the highest standards of design, production, and service at all levels of our business, we hope to achieve this goal. The overall drive in the developing world to mechanize farming, in general, is a great opportunity for Redlands, to be at the forefront of this new frontier, to fulfil the needs of the small and medium farmers. Getting to where we now have not been easy, in fact the journey has been slow and tortuous and the hardest, has been to maintain high quality while ensuring aggressive pricing without having large volumes. However, the results we have achieved is immensely satisfying but tempered by the feeling, that we have but miles and miles to go. We strongly believe that man should not be saddled to hard labor due to his or her force of circumstances, as is often the case with the nature of farm work in third world countries. Our dream is to make this work far easier and affordable, by developing and making available the most user-friendly and quality equipment, with uncomplicated designs at extremely competitive prices. It is a road that we need to keep trudging ahead, all the while, innovating, improving and optimizing without stop. By doing so, we are sure, we will be able to make farming so much more lucrative and raise the standards of the countless millions, who today have little choice but to engage in subsistence farming.