Vayala, Kerala, India
Omshree Sidha Hospital is a Multi speciality Ayurveda Hospital situated in central part of Kerala, India. In Omshree Sidha Hospital we consider quality of service as our greatest strength. Your satisfaction is what gives us satisfaction. Keeping in mind the service mentality of our forefathers we provide quality treatment to those who come to us at very reasonable rates. We have great confidence in our results. That is the reason why we are the only institution in this field providing money back guarantee for many of the treatments. OUR SPECIALITIES ASTHMA (80% patients can leave inhaler first day itself),PSORIASIS/ECZEMA (Itching, Patches of skin, redness, cracks, and roughness will disappear & regain the natural skin color),HEART DISEASE INCLUDING BLOCKS (Normally it takes 3-6months time to remove blocks without surgery/Angioplasty) RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS(We will remove swelling & pain, regain flexibility in short time),OSTEOARTHRITIS(We will remove swelling & pain, regain flexibility in short time),VARICOSE VEIN(We will remove swelling and pain in short time), MIGRAINE/SINUSITIS(Normally it takes 3-4 weeks time to remove pain),CERVICAL/LUMBARSPONDYLOSIS (Normally it takes 3-4 weeks time to remove pain and regain flexibility), IBS (Most cases we take 3 weeks to stop to make it normal), STROKE (Normally it takes 3-6 weeks to regain flexibility and mobility),KIDNEY DISEASES (Creatine, Uric Acid, Hb, SGPT,SGOT etc.), LIVER CIRRHOSIS (Swelling and related problems decrease day by day). You will improve gradually and within 1 to 3 months, it will come under control),FATTY LIVER(You may improve gradually and within 1 to 3 months you will be almost cured ),PILES/ HAEMORRHOIDS (Normally bleeding will stop in a week’s time),TENNIS ELBOW( Normally it takes2 or 3 weeks the symptoms will disappear and you will regain flexibility and mobility),SCIATICA, FISTULA, CANCER,GOUT,TUMOUR MANAGEMENT,VERTIGO,CHOLESTEROL(HYPERLIPIDAEMIA),ACIDITY , ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS,ACIDITY, I.V.D.P (INTER VERTEBRAL DISC PROLAPSE),FROZENSHOULDER, OBESITY, VITILIGO, BLOOD PRESSURE, WEIGHTLOSSTREATMENT, DANDRUFF, SNEEZING, RECURRENTCOLD, CALCANEAL SPUR, JAUNDICE, SLEEP APNOEA ,TENNISELBOW, SNORING, INFERTILITY, GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS, HAIR LOSS, RASAYANA AND VAJIKARANA(SCIENCE OF APHRODISIAC), STRESS MANAGEMENT You are requested to inform me when you are planning to come for the treatment. It is better totreat it at the earliest to avoid further problems and complications. For more information: Mob: +91 9846992789, Phone: +91 4822229434, +91 4822229435, Email: info@omshreeayur.com, Website: www.omshreeayur.com Regards Omshree Sidha Hospital Vayala P O Kottayam, Kerala India, Pin-686587