Chethipuzha Kurichy Rd, near Sleeba church, Pathamuttam, Kerala 686532, India
Kelachandra Plywood Industries is from the Kelachandra Group, which manufactures Plywood, Veneers, Wooden Panels and process Sawn Lumber. Kelachandra Ply is made to the best quality standard known to the market, catering mainly to the residential plywood requirements. We mainly concentrate on Kerala and South Indian market. Kelachandra Plywood is specifcally made for residential interior purposes, mainly for kitchen and wardrobe boxes and doors. We are one among the very few Plywood manufacturers who tailor-make plywood for various residential projects. Though plywood is a generic product we suggest to use specific plywood for each individual interior requirement. Hence we have Kitchen Plywood for kitchen boxes, Wardrobe Plywood for wardrobe boxes, Veneer Plywood for decorative purposes, Ceiling plywood for residential ceiling works, Block Boards for wardrobe and kitchen doors, Marine Plywood which is a water-resistant plywood for water or moisture prone area and Stair Plywood meant especially for staircases